Logging User Feedback
  • Method: PATCH
  • Endpoint: https://log.athina.ai/api/v1/prompt_run/user-feedback
  • Headers: athina-api-key: YOUR_ATHINA_API_KEY
  • Request Body
  "external_reference_id": "5e838eaf-7dd0-4b6f-a32c-26110dd54e58",
  "user_feedback": -1,
  "user_feedback_comment": "Bot mentioned a product that doesn't exist"

External Reference ID

external_reference_id: A reference ID associated to the logged inference. You should have specified this ID when you logged the inference.

User Feedback

user_feedback: The user feedback value. Can be one of the following:

  • 1: 👍 Positive feedback
  • 0: Neutral feedback
  • -1: 👎 Negative feedback

User Feedback Comment

user_feedback_comment: (Optional) The user feedback comment. Can be used to provide additional context to the user feedback.