API Call

If you want to use your own evaluation functions, you can do so by using the ApiCall evaluator.

Performs an API call to a specified endpoint and picks up the evaluation result from the response.

This evaluator is useful if you:

  • Want to run some complex or custom logic
  • Need to run evaluations on your own servers
  • Want to use an evaluation metric that we don't support currently (Send us an email at hello@athina.ai to request a new metric - we can integrate pretty fast).


  • Input: response, query, context, response
  • Type: boolean
  • Metrics: passed (0 or 1)


  • url: string - API endpoint to call. Note that this API should accept POST request.
  • headers: dict - Headers to include in the API call.
  • payload: dict - Body to send with the API call. This payload will have the Response added to it.

Sample Code:

from athina.evals import ApiCall
from athina.loaders import ResponseLoader
# Raw data must contain response and optionally the query, context and expected_response to be passed to the API
raw_data = [
        "response": "Response to be sent to the your own API based evaluator",
        "query": "Query to be sent to the your own API based evaluator"
dataset = ResponseLoader().load_dict(raw_data)
    payload={"evaluator": "custom_api_based_evaluator"},
    headers={"Authorization": "Bearer token"}

The dataset should contain the response and optionally the query, context and expected_response to be passed to the API.


Endpoint Result Format

We expect the API response to be in JSON format with two keys namely result and reason.

  • result (boolean): should contain the evaluation result (true / false)

  • reason (string): should contain an explanation for the evaluation result