
Athina Evals

Preset Evals | Running Evals | Configure Automatic Evals in Production

Systematically Improve LLM Performance with Eval Driven Development

Athina is an evaluation framework (opens in a new tab) designed for LLM developers in any stage from prototype to production to systematically develop, iterate and measure the performance of their LLM application.


Evaluations (evals) play a crucial role in assessing the performance of LLM responses, especially when scaling from prototyping to production.

They are akin to unit tests for LLM applications, allowing developers to:

  • Catch and prevent hallucinations and bad outputs
  • Measure the performance of model
  • Run quantifiable experiments against ambiguous, unstructured text data
  • A/B test different models and prompts rapidly
  • Detect regressions before they get to production
  • Monitor production data with confidence

*Here's a great video (opens in a new tab) by OpenAI where an AI Engineer explains why and how to use evals.

Typical LLM Development Workflows

Here's what typical LLM development workflows look like.

Demo Stage: The Inspect Workflow 🔎

Manual Inspection: Single data point analysis.

  • Extremely slow dev cycle
  • Low coverage
  • Not scalable beyond initial prototyping.

MVP Stage: The Eyeball Workflow 👁️👁️

Spreadsheet Analysis: Multiple data points without ground truth comparison.

  • Manual, high-effort, and time-consuming
  • No quantitative metrics
  • No historical record of prompts run
  • You don't have a system to compare the outputs of prompt A vs prompt B

Iteration Stage: The Golden Dataset Workflow 🌟🌟

Systematic Evaluation: Using a golden dataset with expected responses.

  • Difficult and time consuming to create good evals
  • Requires a mix of manual review + eval metrics
  • You need to create lots of internal tooling
  • No historical record of prompts run
  • Does not capture data variations between your golden dataset and production data

Athina Evals

Athina offers a comprehensive eval system that addresses the limitations of traditional workflows by providing a systematic, quantitative approach to model evaluation.


There are 2 ways to use Athina Evals.

  1. Configure automatic evals in the dashboard: These will run automatically on your logged inferences, and you can view the results in the dashboard.

  2. Run evals programmatically using the Python SDK: This is useful for running evals on your own datasets to iterate rapidly during development.

This enables rapid experimentation, performance measurement, and confidence in production monitoring.

  • Plug-and-Play Preset Evals: Well-tested evals for immediate use.
  • Custom Evaluators: Modular and extensible framework makes it very easy to create custom evals.
  • Consistent Metrics: Across development and production.
  • Quick Start: 5 lines of code to get started.
  • Advanced Analytics: Including pass rate, flakiness, and batch runs.
  • Run from anywhere: Run evals in development or production, from a Python file, CLI, or Dashboard.
  • Integrated Web Platform: For viewing results and tracking experiments.

The Athina Team is here for you

  • We are always improving our evals and platform.
  • We work closely with our users, and can even help design custom evals

If you want to talk, book a call (opens in a new tab) with a founder directly, or send us an email at hello@athina.ai.

Athina Evals: Getting Started


Athina Evals in your CI/CD Pipeline

You can use Athina evals in your CI/CD pipeline to catch regressions before they get to production. Here's how: