

Athina LLM Application Tracing captures the full context of an execution including retrieval, generation, api calls, and more


A trace typically represents a single request or operation. It contains overall input and output of the function and metadata about the request.

  • Each trace can contain multiple spans to log the individual steps of the execution.
  • Spans represent durations of units of work in a trace.
  • Generations are spans which are used to log generations of LLMs. They can contain additional attributes about the model, the prompt/completion etc. For generations, inference logging is done automatically

Tip: Spans can be nested.

Getting Started

Following is an example of how to use the tracing library in your application.

from athina_logger.tracing.trace import Trace
# Create a Trace
trace = Trace(name="trace_1")
# Trace(name=trace_1, dict={'name': 'trace_1', 'start_time': '2024-03-18T04:13:33.569491', 'attributes': {}, 'spans': []},  spans=[])
print("\nAssociate Spans with the Trace")
span1 = trace.create_span(name="span_1")
span2 = trace.create_span(name="span_2")
print("\nCurrent Trace:")
# Trace(name=trace_1, dict={'name': 'trace_1', 'start_time': '2024-03-18T04:13:33.569491', 'attributes': {}, 'spans': [{'name': 'span_1', 'start_time': '2024-03-18T04:13:33.570455', 'span_type': 'span', 'attributes': {}, 'input': {}, 'output': {}, 'children': []}, {'name': 'span_2', 'start_time': '2024-03-18T04:13:33.570467', 'span_type': 'span', 'attributes': {}, 'input': {}, 'output': {}, 'children': []}]},  spans=[Span(name=span_1, dict={'name': 'span_1', 'start_time': '2024-03-18T04:13:33.570455', 'span_type': 'span', 'attributes': {}, 'input': {}, 'output': {}, 'children': []}, children=[]), Span(name=span_2, dict={'name': 'span_2', 'start_time': '2024-03-18T04:13:33.570467', 'span_type': 'span', 'attributes': {}, 'input': {}, 'output': {}, 'children': []}, children=[])])
print("\nAdded a child Span to one of the Spans")
# Span(name=span_1, dict={'name': 'span_1', 'start_time': '2024-03-18T04:13:33.570455', 'span_type': 'span', 'attributes': {}, 'input': {}, 'output': {}, 'children': [{'name': 'span_3', 'start_time': '2024-03-18T04:13:33.570551', 'span_type': 'span', 'attributes': {}, 'input': {}, 'output': {}, 'children': []}]}, children=[Span(name=span_3, dict={'name': 'span_3', 'start_time': '2024-03-18T04:13:33.570551', 'span_type': 'span', 'attributes': {}, 'input': {}, 'output': {}, 'children': []}, children=[])])
generation1 = span2.create_generation(name="generation_1", user_query="user_query_1")
print("\nAdded a child Generation to one of the Spans")
# Span(name=span_2, dict={'name': 'span_2', 'start_time': '2024-03-18T04:13:33.570467', 'span_type': 'span', 'attributes': {}, 'input': {}, 'output': {}, 'children': [{'name': 'generation_1', 'start_time': '2024-03-18T04:13:33.570611', 'span_type': 'generation', 'attributes': {'user_query': 'user_query_1'}, 'input': {}, 'output': {}, 'children': []}]}, children=[Span(name=generation_1, dict={'name': 'generation_1', 'start_time': '2024-03-18T04:13:33.570611', 'span_type': 'generation', 'attributes': {'user_query': 'user_query_1'}, 'input': {}, 'output': {}, 'children': []}, children=[])])
print("\nUpdated a Span(Generation type)")
# Span(name=generation_1, dict={'name': 'generation_1', 'start_time': '2024-03-18T04:13:33.570611', 'span_type': 'generation', 'attributes': {'response': 'response_2', 'user_query': 'user_query_1'}, 'input': {}, 'output': {}, 'children': []}, children=[])


We can represent the same example as a tree structure as follows:

|-- SPAN: 1 
|   |
|   |-- SPAN: 3
|-- SPAN: 2 
    |-- GENERATION: 1

Ending/Flushing a Trace

A trace can be ended by calling the end method on the trace object. This will flush the trace to the backend and mark the trace as ended.

# Trace(name=trace_1, dict={'name': 'trace_1', 'start_time': '2024-03-18T04:13:33.569491', 'attributes': {}, 'spans': [{'name': 'span_1', 'start_time': '2024-03-18T04:13:33.570455', 'span_type': 'span', 'attributes': {}, 'input': {}, 'output': {}, 'children': [{'name': 'span_3', 'start_time': '2024-03-18T04:13:33.570551', 'span_type': 'span', 'attributes': {}, 'input': {}, 'output': {}, 'children': []}]}, {'name': 'span_2', 'start_time': '2024-03-18T04:13:33.570467', 'span_type': 'span', 'attributes': {}, 'input': {}, 'output': {}, 'children': [{'name': 'generation_1', 'start_time': '2024-03-18T04:13:33.570611', 'span_type': 'generation', 'attributes': {'response': 'response_2', 'user_query': 'user_query_1'}, 'input': {}, 'output': {}, 'children': []}]}]},  spans=[Span(name=span_1, dict={'name': 'span_1', 'start_time': '2024-03-18T04:13:33.570455', 'span_type': 'span', 'attributes': {}, 'input': {}, 'output': {}, 'children': [{'name': 'span_3', 'start_time': '2024-03-18T04:13:33.570551', 'span_type': 'span', 'attributes': {}, 'input': {}, 'output': {}, 'children': []}]}, children=[Span(name=span_3, dict={'name': 'span_3', 'start_time': '2024-03-18T04:13:33.570551', 'span_type': 'span', 'attributes': {}, 'input': {}, 'output': {}, 'children': []}, children=[])]), Span(name=span_2, dict={'name': 'span_2', 'start_time': '2024-03-18T04:13:33.570467', 'span_type': 'span', 'attributes': {}, 'input': {}, 'output': {}, 'children': [{'name': 'generation_1', 'start_time': '2024-03-18T04:13:33.570611', 'span_type': 'generation', 'attributes': {'response': 'response_2', 'user_query': 'user_query_1'}, 'input': {}, 'output': {}, 'children': []}]}, children=[Span(name=generation_1, dict={'name': 'generation_1', 'start_time': '2024-03-18T04:13:33.570611', 'span_type': 'generation', 'attributes': {'response': 'response_2', 'user_query': 'user_query_1'}, 'input': {}, 'output': {}, 'children': []}, children=[])])])

This call will run a async call in the background and will not block the main thread.

Constructor arguments

For trace you can pass the following arguments:

  • name: A required string to specify the name of the trace.
  • start_time: The start time of the trace. Default is the current time.
  • end_time: Optional end time of the trace. Default is None. When the trace is ended, this will be set to the current time if nothing is passed as the end time in the end method.
  • status: An optional string to specify the status of the trace.
  • attributes: An optional dictionary of key-value pairs to be associated with the trace.
  • duration: An optional int to specify the duration of the trace. If not passed it will be calculated when the trace is ended.
  • version: An optional string to specify the version of the trace.
trace = Trace(name="trace_1", start_time=datetime.datetime.utcnow(), attributes={"key1": "value1"}, version="1.0")

For span you can pass the following arguments:

  • name: A required string to specify the name of the span.
  • span_type: A string to specify the type of the span. Default is span. Other possible values are generation and any other custom type.
  • start_time: The start time of the span. Default is the current time.
  • end_time: Optional end time of the span. Default is None. When the span is ended, this will be set to the current time if nothing is passed as the end time in the end method.
  • status: An optional string to specify the status of the span.
  • attributes: An optional dictionary of key-value pairs to be associated with the span.
  • input: An optional dictionary of key-value pairs to be associated with the input of the span.
  • output: An optional dictionary of key-value pairs to be associated with the output of the span.
  • duration: An optional int to specify the duration of the span. If not passed it will be calculated when the span is ended.
  • version: An optional string to specify the version of the span.
span = trace.create_span(name="span_1", span_type="span", start_time=datetime.datetime.utcnow(), input={"key1": "value1"}, output={"key1": "value1"}, attributes={"key1": "value1"}, version="1.0")

For generation you can pass the following arguments:

  • name: A required string to specify the name of the generation.
  • start_time: The start time of the generation. Default is the current time.
  • end_time: Optional end time of the generation. Default is None. When the generation is ended, this will be set to the current time if nothing is passed as the end time in the end method.
  • span_type: A string to specify the type of the generation. Default is generation.
  • status: An optional string to specify the status of the generation.
  • attributes: An optional dictionary of key-value pairs to be associated with the generation.
  • input: An optional dictionary of key-value pairs to be associated with the input of the generation.
  • output: An optional dictionary of key-value pairs to be associated with the output of the generation.
  • duration: An optional int to specify the duration of the generation. If not passed it will be calculated when the generation is ended.
  • version: An optional string to specify the version of the generation.
  • prompt: An optional dictionary or list of dictionaries to specify the prompt of the generation.
  • response: An optional value to specify the response of the generation. If you are using OpenAI then the response you get from the API can be passed here.
  • prompt_slug: An optional string to specify the prompt slug of the generation.
  • language_model_id: An optional string to specify the language model id of the generation.
  • environment: An optional string to specify the environment of the generation.
  • functions: An optional list of dictionaries to specify the functions of the generation.
  • function_call_response: An optional value to specify the function call response of the generation.
  • tools: An optional value to specify the tools of the generation.
  • tool_calls: An optional value to specify the tool calls of the generation.
  • external_reference_id: An optional string to specify the external reference id of the generation.
  • customer_id: An optional string to specify the customer id of the generation.
  • customer_user_id: An optional string to specify the customer user id of the generation.
  • session_id: An optional string to specify the session id of the generation.
  • user_query: An optional string to specify the user query of the generation.
  • prompt_tokens: An optional int to specify the prompt tokens of the generation.
  • completion_tokens: An optional int to specify the completion tokens of the generation.
  • total_tokens: An optional int to specify the total tokens of the generation.
  • response_time: An optional int to specify the response time of the generation.
  • context: An optional dictionary to specify the context of the generation.
  • expected_response: An optional string to specify the expected response of the generation.
  • custom_attributes: An optional dictionary to specify the custom attributes of the generation.
  • cost: An optional float to specify the cost of the generation.
generation = span.create_generation(name="generation_1", user_query="user_query_1", response="response_1", prompt_slug="prompt_slug_1", language_model_id="language_model_id_1", environment="environment_1", functions=[{"name": "function_1", "response": "response_1"}], function_call_response="function_call_response_1", tools="tools_1", tool_calls="tool_calls_1", external_reference_id="external_reference_id_1", customer_id="customer_id_1", customer_user_id="customer_user_id_1", session_id="session_id_1", prompt_tokens=10, completion_tokens=20, total_tokens=30, response_time=40, context={"key1": "value1"}, expected_response="expected_response_1", custom_attributes={"key1": "value1"}, cost=0.001)